[Solved] Jio lyf f220b flashing error

Jio f220b flash error solution

Major issues people are facing "Sahara fail" and "Hang on Logo" while flashing Jio Lyf f220b phone.

To solve a Jio Lyf phone flash problem you have to solve Sahara fail error first.

Sahara fail error can be easily solved by using Qfil version, which is available below for you.

Qfil to solve Sahara fail errors

How can I download the proper flash file for jio f220b, so I was given the official link, you can get it from here:

Jio f220b flash file

The main thing about jio f220b flash file it is not flat built, you have to use meta build for this flash jio phone.

While you using the Qfil flash tool always run as administrator.

Extract the flash file then select the meta build and select file.

Connect your jio f220 phone for flash in EDL mode, by pressing boot keys and connect.

Then click on download and wait to complete the flash process.

Jio f220 boot key: * and #

jio flash f220b black process

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